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Summer Letter 2024

Dear EMPOA-Mooniacs,

Over the last few months, we have been confronted with unstable weather conditions in Europe on a large scale. But that hasn't stopped us Mooniacs from flying across Europe and also tackling the first Atlantic crossings again.

David Kromka proved to have a particularly good connection to the flying weather gods: this year's EMPOA trip to Kalmar and Mariehamn took place in the best flying weather. A great travel report and photos can be found here on our homepage. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank David for the fantastic organization and great entertainment during this trip - but also for the support of our Finnish mooniac Pertti Heininen, who provided us with a great midsummer night's party, among other things. 

For another EMPOA event, "postponed is not canceled" - the Franconian bratwurst fly-in in Gunzenhausen actually fell victim to the weather. Claus Knopf will try to find and propose a new date.

The EMPOA is heading to the west of France for the Annual General Meeting (AGM): our Vice-President Peter de Grove has put together a great and varied program for the weekend starting 6.9.24 at his home airfield, Fontenay-le-Compte (LFFK). (The hotel contingents are currently fully booked; please contact Peter for details).

You are of course cordially invited to the Annual General Meeting on 6.9.24 regardless of the supporting program mentioned. The exact agenda for the meeting will be published on our homepage. It is already clear that our Treasurer Dirk Klüppelberg will be stepping down outside the regular 2-year term of office. After a difficult search 3 years ago, Dirk agreed to take over this important office for EMPOA from our long-standing treasurer Lothar Lucks. With Ines Haselmann, we have already found a candidate to succeed him - we, the current Board, expressly support her candidacy!

Last-but-not-least for 2024: even if it still seems a long way off in our summer temperatures, I am delighted that the EMPOA Christmas party 2024 is already in the bag. Thanks to our Mooniacs Nicola Voss and Markus Balser, we have a great program in Munich on the weekend of 29.11.-01.12.2024 (including a visit to the Flugwerft Schleißheim).

I would also like to invite you to follow us on our various channels. Brand new: EMPOA on Instagram! Thank you, Tina, for keeping this channel up to date alongside our homepage and Facebook!

Enjoy your flights and always Happy Landings!

Markus Wagner
-President EMPOA-




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