Mooney Trip 2024 „Kalmar SE and Mariehamn FI“
This year, the EMPOA trip organized by David Kromka took us north. Kalmar in Sweden and Mariehamn, the island between Sweden and Finland, were on the agenda.
On Thursday, June 20, we met at the Swedish airfield Kalmar ESMQ on the Baltic Sea, where the local flying club welcomed us with beer, wine and typical Swedish snacks. Here, all participants received their 2024 Mooney hoodie.
The weather was at its best and 17 Mooneys arrived during the afternoon. To our surprise, 3 Swedish Mooneys came over in formation to greet us!
(More photos in the gallery below :-)
In the afternoon, all participants drove individually to the centrally located Stadshotell. Some used the time until dinner for a stroll through the city, others rested. An excellent 3-course menu was served for dinner.
The next morning, the crews were free to fly on to Mariehamn early or visit Kalmar Castle (Kalmar Slott). It is one of the best-preserved Renaissance castles in Northern Europe.
When we arrived at Mariehamn EFMA, we were once again welcomed by the local flying club with a great snack and all kinds of drinks.
We then took a bus transfer to our hotel "Hotel Adlon" (not to be confused with the hotel in Berlin!). Dinner was served in the local brasserie Angbatsbryggan by the sea, where we again enjoyed a three-course meal.
On Saturday after breakfast, we walked to the harbor to board the historic ship M/S Sunnan II for a cruise through the Aland Islands to Kastelholm Castle (slott). The castle is one of the oldest buildings in the entire Aland archipelago. During a private guided tour, we learned more about the various rulers and the wars they fought here.
The boat trip provided us with lunch and coffee. After returning to Mariehamn, we only had a short break before we celebrated our exclusive Mooney midsummer party at a location reserved for us (Badhuspaviljongen). There was a lovingly prepared Swedish Midsommar dinner, and the drinks "BYO" worked great.
After breakfast on Sunday, we took the bus to Mariehamn Airport (EFMA) for our departure.
The Mooneys scattered all over Europe back home. Some of them added a few more days to fly to other destinations in Scandinavia.
Many thanks to David Kromka for the great organization as well as the great weather, which brought sunshine everywhere on our trip!
Event and Trip Reports
- EMPOA X-mas meeting 2024 in Munich
- EMPOA Annual General Meeting 2024 in Fontenay-le-Comte
- Mooney Trip 2024 „Kalmar SE and Mariehamn FI“
- To Australia with a Mooney - by Gunter Haug
- Report from the Mooney trip Picardy/Scillies
- EMPOA Christmas Meeting 2023 in Bayreuth
- EMPOA Annual General Meeting 2023 in Mannheim and Heidelberg
- Fly-Out to Faßberg ETHS and visit of the tank museum in Munster
- Christmas gathering 2022 at Colmberg castle: pictures
- EMPOA Trip 2022: Karlovy Vary and Krakow
- Air-to-air photo shoot in Mainz on April 23, 2022
- My visit to the Salzburg Avionics Workshop
- EMPOA X-Mas Event 2021 in Düsseldorf: Pictures
- EDLP Fly-In and Annual Meeting 2021: pictures
- EMPOA-Weihnachtsfeier 2019 in Bonn / Hangelar
- EMPOA Trip 2019: Regensburg and Krems
- EMPOA – Christmas Speyer 2018
- EMPOA Trip 2018: Aschaffenburg (EDFC) - Pilsen (LKLN)
- EMPOA JHV Aschaffenburg 2018
- To the southern tip of South America with a Mooney - by Gunter Haug
- Travelogue Troyes – Île d’Yeu 2017
- Christmas-Fly In 2016 Staufen
- Fuerstenfeld 2016
- London/Isle of Man 2015
- EMPOA-Tour June 2014 Ruegen / Gotland
- Nordland 2014
- 5. Mooniacs Fly-In to Château Pommard 28/29 Sept. 2013
- Tannkosh 2013
- 3. EMPOA Mooney Proficiency Training
- Bericht Ungarn EMPOA Reise 2012
- Bericht aus Kroatien von der Insel Krk 2012
- 4. Mooney Fly-in Ostende
- Mooney Proficiency Training Erfurt 2012
- 3. Mooney Fly-In to Paris 2011
- Erlebnisbericht EMPOA-On-Tour 2010