4. Mooney Fly-in Ostende
(by Birgit Hutz)
This year's Mooney Fly-In on 22nd and 23rd September 2012 took us to Oostende.
Oostende is a Belgian seaside resort on the North Sea. Bernard Maeterlinck organized this 4th International Mooney Fly-In for us. 8 Mooneys arrived during the afternoon at Oostende airport, EBOS, where the weather was fine. We had a great approach above the sea to runway 08. Bernard welcomed everyone personally at the airport and had organized transport to our hotel, the Thermae Palace, which was located directly at the beach of Oostende. There we met more Mooniacs, who came by car because they were near by.
At 4.30 PM we started with the EMPOA Annual General Meeting. Rainer and Birgit presented the statistics on our membership and the events we had organised this year. We discussed our website and how to keep it alive and updated with ongoing reports. We further talked about how to handle registrations of future Fly-Ins and about Mooney service shops.
Afterwards we had an interesting presentation by the Aerospace engineer F. Lambert about ADS-B Implementation in Europe. And then Bernard Maeterlinck showed us how to fly to Africa as he did in 2010: "The Sky is the Limit - From Belgium to CapeTown and back in a Mooney TLS/Bravo"
At 7.30 PM we were dressed up and met in the Leopoldzaal of our hotel for a cocktail party which was followed by a Gala dinner. Every partcipant received a magnum bottle of champagne with a special EMPOA label presented by the EMPOA.
The next morning we went by bus to Brugge. There Bernard had organized a tour guide who showed us around. Unfortunately the weather was unexpectedly cold and rainy but nevertheless we enjoyed the beauty of Brugge. It was very nice to see the city from a boat tour around the river. Except a small group of Mooniacs who were freezing and therefore preferred to warm up in a coffee shop with good Belgian chocolate.
After lunch in 'The Halve Maan' in Brugge we returned to Oostende and flew back home.
Thanks to Bernard for the perfect organization of this Fly-In.
As it has often rained at our last Mooney Fly-Ins we are now thinking of flying further south next time.
Best regards,
Event and Trip Reports
- EMPOA X-mas meeting 2024 in Munich
- EMPOA Annual General Meeting 2024 in Fontenay-le-Comte
- Mooney Trip 2024 „Kalmar SE and Mariehamn FI“
- To Australia with a Mooney - by Gunter Haug
- Report from the Mooney trip Picardy/Scillies
- EMPOA Christmas Meeting 2023 in Bayreuth
- EMPOA Annual General Meeting 2023 in Mannheim and Heidelberg
- Fly-Out to Faßberg ETHS and visit of the tank museum in Munster
- Christmas gathering 2022 at Colmberg castle: pictures
- EMPOA Trip 2022: Karlovy Vary and Krakow
- Air-to-air photo shoot in Mainz on April 23, 2022
- My visit to the Salzburg Avionics Workshop
- EMPOA X-Mas Event 2021 in Düsseldorf: Pictures
- EDLP Fly-In and Annual Meeting 2021: pictures
- EMPOA-Weihnachtsfeier 2019 in Bonn / Hangelar
- EMPOA Trip 2019: Regensburg and Krems
- EMPOA – Christmas Speyer 2018
- EMPOA Trip 2018: Aschaffenburg (EDFC) - Pilsen (LKLN)
- EMPOA JHV Aschaffenburg 2018
- To the southern tip of South America with a Mooney - by Gunter Haug
- Travelogue Troyes – Île d’Yeu 2017
- Christmas-Fly In 2016 Staufen
- Fuerstenfeld 2016
- London/Isle of Man 2015
- EMPOA-Tour June 2014 Ruegen / Gotland
- Nordland 2014
- 5. Mooniacs Fly-In to Château Pommard 28/29 Sept. 2013
- Tannkosh 2013
- 3. EMPOA Mooney Proficiency Training
- Bericht Ungarn EMPOA Reise 2012
- Bericht aus Kroatien von der Insel Krk 2012
- 4. Mooney Fly-in Ostende
- Mooney Proficiency Training Erfurt 2012
- 3. Mooney Fly-In to Paris 2011
- Erlebnisbericht EMPOA-On-Tour 2010