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EMPOA X-mas meeting 2024 in Munich

Our traditional EMPOA Christmas meeting took place in the Bavarian capital this time.
Nicola Voss and Markus Balser agreed to host the weekend early on in the year. A guided tour of Munich's old town and a visit to the branch of the Deutsches Museum in Schleißheim were planned.

There was a great deal of interest, with 40 people registering in no time at all.
Due to the complicated journey (Augsburg or Memmingen were possible airports) and the notoriously difficult winter weather, almost all Mooniacs traveled by car. Only our member Reinhard Kammerer flew in with his Mooney from Bonn-Hangelar. Due to the long journey for many members, this time it was a German-Austrian group.

So they met on Friday, November 29 at 6 p.m. in the Augustiner Stammhaus.
Before the meal, the program included a talk about Gunter and Tina Haug's trip to Australia, which was very well received despite the somewhat difficult conditions.
This was followed by a hearty dinner with delicious Augustiner beer.

The city tour took place on Saturday morning. In cold temperatures but glorious sunshine, we learned all kinds of anecdotes and legends from the city's history.
In the afternoon, we took a bus transfer to Schleißheim to visit the aircraft hangar. During the tour, we were able to ask a former Transall pilot questions about his experiences and the aircraft.

In the evening, the EMPOA Christmas dinner took place at the traditional Goldig restaurant, where we were treated to a 3-course meal. Afterwards, small groups formed to enjoy a nightcap in the old town.

After breakfast on Sunday, the Mooniacs returned home.

Many thanks to Nicola and Markus for the excellent organization of an all-round successful EMPOA weekend!

Tina Haug

And now enjoy the picture gallery: