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Minutes of EMPOA Annual General Meeting 2021

Saturday, June 13, 2021

Members of the board present: David Kromka (President), Lothar Lucks (Chief treasurer), Alex Haselmann (Technical Director), excused: Jerôme Faul, Lukas Straubinger

Members present: see attached list

Start of the Assembly: 13H20

The members were greeted by the President who was very happy to welcome such a big crowd after the hard times oft he COVID-19 pandemic. With close to 30 airplanes parked on the Quax and EDLP apron it is the largest EMPOA Mooney gathering to date.

Short overview of membership development: presently about 315 members. Membership base 80 % from Germany, 10 % from France, 5 % Austria/Switzerland, rest of Europe 5 %. The correct members list still is a challenge for the board due to different data sets.

Overview of past events and Fly-Ins. Two events in 2020 (Hassfurt-Fly-In Pilotenlounge and LFLW-LFDH-trip in September with the AGM 2020). Big Thank you given to organizers of 2021 event at Paderborn: Felix Bieber and André Niggenaber.

Treasurer Lothar Lucks presents the financial report with three informative slides. Overall profit of 19.500 € was presented. Accounts presently make up around 65.000 €. Due to the fact that EMPOA is not a „non-profit“ organisation, taxes need not be paid. Membership fees made up the main income in 2020.

Werner Wohlfahrt as financial controller had checked the accounts together with Markus Beiber, no inconsistencies were noted.

Lothar Lucks and Lukas Straubinger will resign from the board, Dirk Klüppelberg and Tina Haug are presented as new possible Chief Treasurer and Spokesperson respectively.

Lawyer Ingo Rösch leads through the exoneration of the board and the vote for the new Presidency. Joint exoneration of the whole board and the financial controllers.

Vote all in favor except four abstentions

Election of the new board as proposed:

David Kromka, President

Jerôme Faul (absent), Vice-President

Dirk Klüppelberg, Chief Treasurer

Tina Haug, Spokesperson

Alex Haselmann, Technical Director

Financial controllers: Ines Bauer and Harald Austmeyer

Vote all in favor except six abstentions

All elected accepted the vote.

Discussion led by Tina Haug on messenger services, communications channels and social media. Messenger service Telegram vs. What’sApp. There are pro’s and con’s to both services. Telegram however known to pilots due to bot possibilities, e. g. Autorouter. EMPOA should have access to management of the groups. Vote in favor of Telegram (will be set up by Tina Haug) with all in favor and three abstentions. All members who would like to join the Telegram group, please install telegram and get in touch with Tina via email (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.). She will add you to the group.

EMPOA facebook page is presently a subgroup of the company „Fastflyers“. Tina Haug would like to have control of this page as well. Assembly votes for separation from Fastflyers with one abstention.

Tina Haug will also research the possibility of a relaunch of the website.

Discussion about the possibility of virtual meetings in the future in case of upcoming lockdowns. David Kromka suggests supplement to the by-laws. Vote (all in favor, three abstentions) will not be executed since the legal wording needs to be checked. Ingo Rösch to be consulted in this matter. Also members asked that the exact wording of proposed by-law changes should be distributed with the invitation.

David Kromka informed about issues in connection with the EMPOA fleet insurance. It is now managed by AdVertum from Stuttgart. So far only 20 Mooniacs have changed the broker. Further communication in this regard is necessary as only a strong participation will lead to lower rates in the medium-term.

Discussion about the servicing of the EMPOA life-rafts (free of charge hire for members): most service providers do not service our type of raft, we might have to send it to UK.

Marcus von Spreti has offered to create a public register of Mooney aircraft and EMPOA members. Persons interested should get in touch with him. He was elected to the newly created position of EMPOA archivist (all in favor).

Gilles Bréchet held a short presentation about carbon footprint offsetting. Wolfgang Oestreich informed about ForeFlight.

Fmr. Chief Treasurer Lothar Lucks was voted unanimously as new honoray member of EMPOA.

No further topics were presented and the assembly closed.

End of Assembly: 15H30

Minutes by David Kromka