To the southern tip of South America with a Mooney - by Gunter Haug
The southern most city on earth, Ushuaia in Argentina, takes pride in calling itself el fin del mundo, the end of the world. Tina and I flew our Mooney N228RM from Europe to this place on the island of Tierra del Fuego and back between mid-August 2017 and mid-March 2018. With Tina's help, I created an ebook about our trip, which you can download here for free.
It is essentially a photo book and therefore best viewed at the highest resolution possible.
At the high resolution the file size gets huge. So I've created two lower quality versions. While medium is okay, low looks really poor.
Besides PDF, there are also EPUB versions. They look nice in the Books app on iPad (and iPhone and Mac). The Kindle app on iPad will only accept the lowest quality version due to file size. I don't have access to an Android tablet, so I couldn't test it. At least it should work with a non-paginating viewer, otherwise I don't know..
Here are the download links:
Low quality EPUB (16 MB)
Medium quality EPUB (57 MB)
High quality EPUB (372 MB)
Low quality PDF (56 MB)
Medium quality PDF (260 MB)
High quality PDF (450 MB)
Rapport des Évènements et voyages
- Réunion de Noël EMPOA 2024 à Munich
- Assemblée générale de l'EMPOA 2024 à Fontenay-le-Comte
- Mooney Trip 2024 "Kalmar SE et Mariehamn FI"
- To Australia with a Mooney - by Gunter Haug
- Récit du voyage Mooney Picardie/Scillies
- Rencontre de Noël EMPOA 2023 à Bayreuth
- Assemblée générale de l'EMPOA 2023 à Mannheim et Heidelberg
- Fly-Out vers Faßberg ETHS et visite du musée des blindés à Munster
- Fête de Noël 2022 au Château Colmberg - photos
- Voyage EMPOA 2022 : Karlovy Vary et Cracovie
- Tournage de photos Air-to-Air à Mayence le 23 avril 2022
- Ma visite à l'Avionics Workshop de Salzbourg
- EMPOA rassemblement de Noël 2021 à Düsseldorf: photos
- EDLP Fly-In and Annual Meeting 2021: pictures
- Soirée de Noël 2019 à Bonn / Hangelar
- Voyage EMPOA 2019 à Ratisbonne et Krems
- EMPOA – Noel Speyer 2018
- Voyage EMPOA 2018: Aschaffenburg (EDFC) - Pilsen (LKLN)
- EMPOA JHV Aschaffenburg 2018
- To the southern tip of South America with a Mooney - by Gunter Haug
- Récit de voyage Troyes – Île d’Yeu 2017
- Noel-Fly In 2016 Staufen
- Fuerstenfeld 2016
- London/Isle of Man 2015
- Voyage EMPOA en juin 2014, vers Rügen et Gotland
- Nordland 2014
- 5. Mooniacs Fly-In à Château Pommard 28/29 Sept. 2013
- Tannkosh 2013
- 3. Mooney Proficiency Training
- Hongrie, d'autre uniquement en Croatie 2012
- Bericht aus Kroatien von der Insel Krk 2012
- 4. Mooney Fly-in Ostende
- Compte rendu du Mooney Proficiency Training 2012, de l'EMPOA.
- 3. Mooney Fly-In à Paris 2011
- Erlebnisbericht EMPOA-On-Tour 2010